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Writing Tips and Prompts

Slap Some Sense – Writing Wednesday Prompt

I recently wrote a scene where a human woman slapped a fae lord (he deserved it and she knew she couldn’t actually hurt him, just startle him), so I decided to turn it into a prompt.

Slapping some sense into an immortal, supernatural creature when you’re half their size probably isn’t a great idea. But sometimes they need it.

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Writing Tips and Prompts

You May Be Stronger, But I’m The One Who Has All The Power Here – Writing Wednesday Prompt

This is from a scene that will most likely be part of this year’s NaNoWriMo project. I’m curious to see what others might come up with around this dialoge.

“Oh really?”
They took a step closer, a smile playing over their lips.
“You may be stronger than me but make no mistake; I’m the one who has all the power here.”

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New writing prompt every Wednesday on #writingprompts
Writing Tips and Prompts

I Wish I Could Remember London- Writing Wednesday Prompt

I actually used my writing prompt from last week to create the prompt for this week. Threw in some Disney songs, too, and came up with “I’ve Got A Dream” from Tangled, “Memory” from Cats, and “What a Day in London” from Pocahontas 2.

I wish I could remember; that I knew more about what happened in London than just the fragments showing up in my dreams.

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New writing prompt every Wednesday on #writingprompts
Writing Tips and Prompts

Put A Playlist On Shuffle – Writing Wednesday Prompt

I’ve used this writing prompt before, and you can click here to read the result. This time when I tried it, the songs that came up were “On My Own” from Les Miserables, “People Will Say We’re In Love” from Oklahoma, and “We Kiss In The Shadows” from The King and I. I wasn’t planning on writing a new story, but I’m so intrigued by how those might fit together that I may have to now.

Put a musical theater playlist on shuffle. Write a story based on the first three songs that play.

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New writing prompt every Wednesday on #writingprompts
Writing Tips and Prompts

How The Captain Would Kill Him – Writing Wednesday Prompt

You ever type out a writing prompt, stare at it, and wonder, “What the heck is going on there?” And of course you’re a writer so you have the power to answer that question in the next story you write, but instead of doing that you just sit there and wonder.

This. This was how the captain would kill him.New writing prompt every Wednesday on #writingprompts

New writing prompt every Wednesday on #writingprompts
Writing Tips and Prompts

Write Emotion – Writing Wednesday Prompt

My favorite writing book just got updated! A second edition of The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Expression by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi came out yesterday. I pre-ordered it weeks ago because the first edition is such an incredibly helpful resource. In honor of this new book release, here’s a prompt that The Emotion Thesaurus could help you with:

Write about a character experiencing a strong emotion (e.g. rage, adoration, terror, etc.) without naming that emotion.

New writing prompt every Wednesday on #writingprompts

New writing prompt every Wednesday on #writingprompts
Writing Tips and Prompts

“Perhaps you will be of use yet” – Writing Wednesday Prompt

I have a dialog prompt for you today pulled from the pages of a random book on the shelf beside me. It’s rather generic, but sometimes I find the vague prompts kindle more creative ideas for me than ones that are more specific.

“Perhaps you will be of use yet.”

New writing prompt every Wednesday on #writingprompts

New writing prompt every Wednesday on #writingprompts
Writing Tips and Prompts

Alchemy – Writing Wednesday Prompt

If you write something from today’s prompt (or any of my other prompts), I’d love to read it. Please drop a link in the comments if you decide to post it online somewhere!

Alchemy is like keeping a scorpion as a pet, knowing someday it might sting and kill you. Even so, abandoning it is not something I plan to do.

New writing prompt every Wednesday on #writingprompts